In Padang City, West Sumatra, community service activities focus on empowering coastal women's groups. The aim of this activity, which is named "Empowering Padang City Coastal Women's Groups in Disaster Risk Mapping and Disaster Resilience-Based Spatial Planning," is to increase the role and ability of coastal women's groups in dealing with disaster risks. Participatory methods are used in the entire series of activities, including risk identification, technical training and spatial planning. Coastal women's groups in Padang City have succeeded in increasing their understanding of the risks facing their region through training and disaster risk mapping activities. They have the necessary technical skills to actively engage in the mapping process thanks to the use of simple technologies such as participatory maps. This mapping creates the basis for a disaster resilience spatial plan that involves coastal women's groups as an important element in the planning process. This activity succeeded in producing positive changes in the role and understanding of coastal women's groups about disaster risks using participatory methods. This empowerment produces a model that can be used in various coastal areas. This success has had a positive impact on efforts to increase the resilience of the people of Padang City to disaster risks. It also encourages awareness of the greater role that women can play in disaster risk management and sustainable spatial development on the coast of West Sumatra..
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